A project by: Lucía Kuschnir (UNTREF)
Research Team: Josefina Schmipp (Universidad CAECE - UBA), Viviana Ramos Di Tommaso (UNTREF), Diego De Benedetto (UNTREF)
Turner: Jorge Orallo
Past Researcher: Maximiliano Perez (Universidad de Morón)
This project received support from the National Arts Fund - Creation Scholarship 2018.
At chronologically different times in the East and West, nature ceased to be the object of fear or a symbolic space of religious powers to become an aesthetic object and, therefore, the objective of the work of art. But, what exactly does it mean to look at a territory and stop at the rise or depressions of a plot of land? How can that look be recorded? or, how small can that area be? These are some of the questions that guided our work.
In today's techno-scientific societies, to produce a piece does not only concern the production of images but also, the development of the devices for their generation.
This project consists in the construction of a low-budget microtome with the aim of cutting ultra-thin films and photomicrographs of histological preparations. The technique allows to think the landscape of the current era mediated by an apparatus but without it ceasing to be an amplified territory being observed from a certain place.
"Minimal Landscapes" recovers the act of looking at and recording the nature of the history of art on a microscopic scale. Perhaps, it is time to accept that the contemporary landscape is not only about looking at what the technological development generates, where the human eye (without instruments) is not enough anymore.