Cheese and music
November 2021
We study the influence of the frequency and the energy of sound on the biomass on cheese bacteria during fermentation, and the effects on the sensory evaluation of cheeses exposed to music during their maturation process.
Art-science residence
Bruno Mesz obtained an art-science residence from the Kone Foundation in Helsinki for this project.
The Music of Smell
June 2021
Poster to be presented at Neuromusic VII Conference, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
The Voice of the Body
October 2020
A conservatory to discuss the whole role of the voice as a complex phenomenon of culture in relation to identity and technology. In the presence of specialists in speech therapy and physics, the problem of laryngotomy patients and people from the trans community was addressed, through old questions to find new answers between medicine and art applications.
VR, emotion, music and taste
September 2020
Talk: “The taste of music: how virtual reality can change our perceptions”, organized by C3, MinCyT and France Embassy.
Taste of Music
July 2020
Participation in the BBC documentary “Inside The Factory” A sound texture of our taste and sound experiments has been used in this BBC show.
VR, emotion, music and taste
April 2020-December 2021
Collaboration with Université de Toulouse II. Jean-Christophe Sakdavong will visit Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia in 2021 to conduct experiments together at our lab.
February 2020
Workshops: Collective experience of AI-assisted conversation ZVUK (Prague, Czech Republic). Medionauta (Milan, Italy). top (Berlin, Germany) Critical use of AudioStellar’s AI tools for organization of transfeminist sound expressions aiming towards the construction of a collective sound piece by collaborator Tatiana Cuoco.
Emotional Plates
Selected for the exhibition of the Andreani Award 2020.
The neuroscience of laughter
“Deep Un.Learning” exhibition at Fundación Andreani, 2020. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Testing the C3D at Hospital el Cruce
December 2019
Members of the Transorganic Exchanges project presented the C3D to the authorities of the Hospital el Cruce, which included the director of the hospital and the head of the kinesiology department.
Crossmodal Correspondences
December 2019
Interview to Bruno Mesz and Sebastian Tedesco at Brando Magazine. Article published by Brando magazine for the special issue, in which they selected the national innovators of the year. “Crosmodal Correspondences”.
Undocumented Emotions: Aestheticized Capitalism - Dance for the Sea
December 2019
Exhibition at Pinta Miami 2019 / Miami Art Week 2019.
The Wall of Gazes
November 2nd 2019 - February 27th 2020
“ 凝视之墙 “ -“The Wall of Gazes” at “ 科技艺术 40 年:从林茨到深圳 ” - “Humanizing Technology: Ars Eletronica in Shenzhen”. Design Society. Shen Zhen. China.
Finalists at the Samsung Innova contest
November 2019
The C3D was selected as a finalist in the contest organized by Samsung. The event promotes innovation and entrepreneurial growth, and the project was a finalist in the category of arts and culture.
Emanations of Discourse
November 2019
Exhibition “Resistance and Essence”. LOOP Barcelona 2019. Ideograma Foundation. Curator: Gabriela Berti. Carrer del Consell de Cent, 159, Local A, 08015 Barcelona.
Showcase of the C3D at Sanatorio Guemes
November 2019
The members of Transorganic Exchanges made the first test with the C3D in the Intensive Care Unit at the Sanatorio Guemes. The team was invited by Dr. Diego Pereyra and the wonderful team of doctors dedicated entirely to improving the experience of their patients at the hospital.
November 2019
The members of the Minimal Landscapes project participated in an exchange
between artists and a series of talks with artistic referents within the framework of the Creation Scholarship 2018 winners, granted by the National Arts Fund.
Credit: María Della Bella
Showcase of the C3D at Expomedical
October 2019
The director of the project, Gala Gonzalez, alongside the other members of the team presented the C3D at the Expomedical 2019, an important event which reunites important health companies to showcase new technologies in the health area.
Taste of Music
October 2019
Book Chapters: Wang, Q. J., Mesz, B., Riera, P., Trevisan, M., Sigman, M., Guha, A., & Spence, C. (2019). “Analysing the impact of music on the perception of red wine via Temporal Dominance of Sensations”. Auditory Contributions to Food Perception and Consumer Behaviour. Ed. Brill,
Charles Spence, Felipe Reinoso Carvalho, Carlos Velasco, and Qian Janice Wang (eds)
Developed by Gazes
October 11th - 13th. 2019
“Developed by Gazes series” at Art Verona 2019 fair, Artericambi Gallery, Verona, Italy.
Crossmodal Coffee Tasting 2
October 2019
Experiment at Argentine Catholic University (UCA) on the effect of multisensory atmosphere on coffee.
"Impact of music on the temporal perception of coffee evaluated by the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) and analysis of facial expressions" to be presented at SenseLatam (Brasil, November 2020)
Meeting with INVAP Foundation
September 2019
Members of the Transorganic Exchange project, worked together with Fundación INVAP in the creation of the new device, 'Fonocosa'. Which seeks to help speech to regain vocal expression without the limitations of conventional laryngóphones. Its purpose is to link art and science to develop the communicational potential of people.
The Wall of Gazes
26th - 29th September 2019
BEEP collection exhibition at Young Gallery Weekend, Barcelona, Spain.
The Wall of Gazes
September 5rd - 9th, 2019
BEEP Collection Exhibition at Ars Electronica 2019. “Out of Box”. Linz, Austria.
Crossmodal Correspondences
September 2019
Talk by Bruno Mesz and Sebastian Tedesco “Crossmodal Correspondences” at Proyecto Suma, Buenos Aires.
Taste of Music
September 2019
Poster at SBCM Meeting 2019 (Sao Joao de Rei, Brasil)
Perfume Of Yuyo And Alfalfa
August 2019
Sonoolfactory performance at International Tango Festival of Buenos Aires.
Taste of Music
August 2019
Talk on Taste and Music at La Plata University
Crossmodal Correspondences
August 2019
Talk by Sebastian Tedesco “Crossmodal Correspondences” at JIRA (Jornadas Internacionales del Ritmo en las Artes), UNA (National University of the Arts), Buenos Aires.
July 2019
Exhibition “LAR DOCE LAR” BienalSur 2019. Embassy of Brazil, Buenos Aires, Curators: Florencia Batitti, Fernando Farina.
Crossmodal Correspondences
July 2019
“Transmodality: Sensory Adventures”.Article published at DNI Magazine (National and International Design Magazine). Clarín Newspaper. Edition 43.
Crossmodal Pairings
Official Statement Of Approval (Declaración Oficial de Beneplácito)
June 2019
The National Senate issued an official declaration of approval in support of our participation in the organization of the Brain & Wine Event, the neuroscience and wine meeting that we organized with Bruno Mesz, UNTREF, the University of Oxford, INECO and ElBulli in Barcelona.
AudioStellar at the Tokyo University of the Arts
June 2019
AudioStellar Project was presented at the workshop on Artificial Intelligence applied to Music Composition held at the Tokyo University of the Arts. Agustín Spinetto gave a talk about AudioStellar sampler-like software instrument and how it uses AI to generate a 2D intelligent audio map to organize audio samples by their audio spectrally characteristics.
NEMI 2019
June 2019
Leandro Garber, teacher and coordinator of the AudioStellar research project, and Tomás Ciccola, scholarship student and advanced student of the Degree in Electronic Arts, traveled to Brazil to present a demo version of AudioStellar. The project is part of the research carried out both in the Machine Learning & Art Lab within the MUNTREF Center for Art and Science. Currently the project has the participation of several thesis students of Electronic Arts and is open to the incorporation of other students who wish to collaborate.
The NEMI (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) sessions were held at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sol between June 3 and 6.
Notes about a journey among Art and Neuroscience
Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, ZKM Karlsruhe,
Open Code Exhibition
May 2019
What kind of relationships can be established among Art and Neuroscience?
Mariano Sardón talked about some of his artistic processes among Art and Neuroscience he has been doing with the Argentinian neuroscientist Mariano Sigman since 2010.
He showed some examples around their production, opening his “artistic code” for exhibiting the way concepts, methods and materials are correlated between Art and Science.
He went deeper in their way to work in collaboration in order to give some cues about the contexts for creativity and transdisciplinarity.
Credit: Elias Siebert
Credit: Tanja Meißner
Perfume of Yuyos and Alfalfa: Tango aromas
May 2019
Bruno Mesz and Sebastián Tedesco achieved the experimental sound-olfactory performance Perfume of Yuyos and Alfalfa: Tango Aromas at the Museo Casa Carlos Gardel. It was carried out in collaboration with Camilo Álvarez, Leonardo Potenza, María Zegna and Carlos Sztaynberg; and is part of the Smell organ project developed within the MUNTREF Center for Art and Science.
World Congress Science & Wine 2019
May 2019
Bruno Mesz participated in the First World Congress of Science & Wine 2019 that took place from May 8 to 10 in Oporto (Portugal). There he gave a talk Analyzing the impact of music on the perception of red wine via temporal dominance of sensations (realized with Qian Janice Wang, Pablo Riera, Marcos Trevisan, Mariano Sigman, Apratim Guha and Charles Spence) and the poster Augmented wine glasses ( performed together with Juan Cruz Amusategui and Sebastián Tedesco). Both works are part of Bruno's research projects under the MUNTREF Center for Art and Science.
Science & Wine 2019 addressed different issues related to wine technology, chemistry and biochemistry, health and environmentally sustainable development of this industry.

BIENALSUR exhibition at the Museum of the National University of Tucumán
May 2019
Within the framework of the exhibition Between senses, Sebastián Tedesco and Bruno Mesz presented the work they carry out in the research projects they direct at the MUNTREF Center for Art and Science. In turn, they participated in the talk Transmodality: Science and poetics of the senses.

Presentation of the Augmented glass project at Vico Wine Bar
April 2019
On April 23, 2019, a presentation of the Augmented glass project was made in Vico Wine Bar. It was part of the research project directed by Bruno Mesz and Sebastián Tedesco at the MUNTREF Center for Art and Science and also with the collaboration of Diego Alberti and Juan Cruz Amusategui.

The Wall of Gazes
February 27th - March 3rd, 2019
ARCO Madrid Art Fair 2019, Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Madrid, Spain.
Second place in the Global Impact category of the “Vos Lo Hacés” contest
December 2018
Transorganic Exchanges project was selected out of 800 other participants, along with 24 finalists. The project was part of the global impact category, which seeks to identify, promote and reward innovative ideas that solve problems in today's world so that they can become sustainable ventures. The project received a price of $75.000 pesos to invest in the development of the project.
December 2018
Festival “Distat Terra”, Choele Choel - Rio Negro, Argentina.
October 2018
Muntref Arte y Ciencia – Tecnópolis, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
October 2018
Journeys “Nuevos Jardines en el Servente Inter/Trans –
Provincial Conservatory of Music Gilardo Gilardi”, La Plata, Argentina.
October 2018
Smell, sound and color organ performance.
CAECE University - Electronic Art Sessions
October 2018
Conference: "Technoscience at the service of optical aberrations. Instrument Domestication" by the group SIERVA, member of the Optical machines and instruments Laboratory.
Conference: "Technoscience at the service of optical aberrations. Instrument Domestication" by the group SIERVA, member of the Optical machines and instruments Laboratory.
Crossmodal Coffee Tasting Finland
October 2018
Experiment at Turku University (Functional Foods Forum) on the effect of multisensory atmosphere on coffee.
“Coffee and music”, poster 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. 28.7.-1.8.2019. Edinburgh. Scotland. UK.
Taste of Music
October 2018
Talk on Taste and Music at University of Turku (Finland)
Taste of Music
October 2018
Talk on Taste and Music at College University of Volda (Norway)
Installation The taste of music in the exhibition The Senses: Design Beyond Vision
April - October 2018
Bruno Mesz, Marcos Trevisán y Mariano Sigman presented the installation The taste of music at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, Nueva York.
Four buttons play short musical compositions inspired by the sense of taste. Several musicians were asked to create improvisations in response to basic taste words. "Sour" compositions tend to have short notes that are high pitched and dissonant. "Bitter" compositions tend to be slower, lower, dissonant, and continuous (legato). The study found similar correlations for "sweet" (long, consonant, soft) and "salty" (staccato, with short, discontinuous notes).

Developed by Gazes
September 6th - 10th. 2018
“Developed by Gazes” Series at “Gallery Spaces” at “Error – the Art of Imperfection” Ars Electronica 2018, Linz, Austria.
Taste of Music
September 2018
Talk on Taste and Music at Argentine Catholic University.
The following Final Degree Project was carried out in the framework of the project "Burning by Gazes":
“Sin Hardware No Hay Software” - Flavia Laudado
IT selected in the Emprendé ConCiencia Program of the Ministry of Production
July 2018
Transorganic Exchanges project was selected from hundreds of participants, along with 14 other impact projects, to participate in the Emprendé ConCiencia 2018 Program.
They spent 15 days in Bariloche receiving personalized training and mentoring in order to enhance the projects and achieve greater sustainability, impact and technological competence.
The training courses are run by Academia Argentina Emprende and Social Lab. The mentoring was in charge of INVAP and INVAP Foundation, who assigned an engineer specialized in complex systems with years of experience to the Transorganic Exchanges project.
The Wall of Gazes
June 22th - July 27th, 2018
“Naturaleza y Ficción” Galería Pilar Serra, Madrid, Spain.
Winners of the UNTREF Emprende Award
May 2018
As finalists of the UNTREF Emprende contest organized by the Center for Innovation and Development of Companies and Organizations (CIDEM), the Transorganic Exchanges project was awarded with the second place.
Talk at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
April 2018
In the framework of the exhibition The Senses: Design Beyond Vision, Bruno Mesz, with the collaboration of Pablo Di Liscia (UNQ) and Damián Anache (UNTREF), gave a talk about the influence of music on the taste of chocolate using Compartés® chocolates.
Taste of Music
April 2018
Talk on Taste and Music at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum.
In the framework of the exhibition The Senses: Design Beyond Vision Bruno Mesz, with the collaboration of Pablo Di Liscia (UNQ) and Damián Anache (UNTREF), gave a talk about the influence of music on the taste of chocolate using Compartés® chocolates.
The Wall of Gazes
April 12th – August 10th 2018
“Misadventures of Discovering” «Открытие, открытие», Hlebozavod Center for Contemporary Culture (Центр современной культуры «Хлебозавод»). Curated by: Andrei Vasilenko. Vladivostok, Russia.
Brain & Wine
Organized by National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), ElBulliFoundation, University of Oxford, INECO Foundation and Centre for the Study of the Senses (CENSES)
March 2018
Brain & Wine was the first international forum of enological neuroscience. It took place in the city of Barcelona and it brought together the leading experts and researchers of the subject.
In addition to the scientific presentations, the UNTREF team, together with the University of Oxford, conducted a series of experiments with the public on the perception of the taste of wine in accordance to a combination with auditory stimuli.
Several artistic works were also presented in relation to the undertaken investigations: Huelo, Huelo ¿Que ves ?, T2M (Text to Music) and Transmodal Fusion - Correspondences between music, taste and smell and applications to sensory design.

Crossmodal Pairings
February 2018
Talk at Malba (Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires):
“Traducciones Transmodales”
We presented the augmented glass and our research.
Traducciones Transmodales con Alexánder Apóstol en MALBA
Diciembre de 2017 - febrero de 2018
Bruno Mesz and Sebastian Tedesco worked together with Alexánder Apóstol on the site specific project “Salida de los obreros del museo. Taller y República a partir de Tucumán arde” for the Malba Museum. They also proposed a journey through the mathematical "B side" of the exhibition to, through a conference and a trans-sensorial performance, restore the concepts of the trans-modal translations present in their works.
The activity included a brief guided tour through the exhibition, that took into consideration the mathematical mechanisms -the Graph theory and the information theory- which were used to make a translation and interpretation of the text of Tucumán Arde, and afterwards a talk on the works and investigations developed in the Corssmodal Laboratory of the MUNTREF Center of Art and Science.
Furthermore, in the context of the activity they presented to the public the work "T2M", made together with Lucas Samaruga, which explores correspondences and trans-modal translations between aroma, text and sound.

Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) - Graduate Seminar "Introduction to Synthetic Biology"
November 2017
The members of the Optical machines and instruments Laboratory were invited to give a talk about the project within the framework of the graduate seminar.
Crossmodal Correspondences
November 2017
Workshop on the Philosophy of Cognitive Science. Talk by Bruno Mesz “Intentionality of Multisensory Taste Perception” ( Buenos Aires.
Let's drink this song together
November 2017
Mesz, B., Herzog, K., Amusategui, J. C., Samaruga, L., & Tedesco, S. (2017, November). Let’s drink this song together: interactive taste-sound systems. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI International Workshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction (pp. 13-17)
All I have of your memories is a map
“Venecia: otras miradas desde el fin del mundo”, “Venice: other views from the end of the world” article. By Mecedes Esquiaga. La Nación Newspaper, July 16th, 2017.
All I have of your memories is a map
"Images of Journeys, Movement on Space" Exhibition. The New Pushkin Museum. Moscow. 57th International Art Exhibition. VIVA ARTE VIVA. Biennale di Venezia.
Developed by Gazes
September 13th - 16th. 2017
BaPhoto 2017 fair. Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Buenos Aires.
The Wall of Gazes
September 7th - 11th, 2017
installation at “Gallery Spaces” exhibition, Ars Electronica 2017, “Artificial Intelligence”, Linz, Austria.
Visit to cheLA Museum
September 2017
The members of the Transorganic Exchanges project met in the technological district of Parque Patricios with the director of the institution, Fabián Wagmister. They toured the cultural space exchanging ideas, experiences and projects in which they are working.
Invernautas Festival
July 2017
The members of the Transorganic Exchanges project were in the campus of the University of San Martín getting to know the laboratories and equipment of the FAN. They worked on the planning of synergies between the institution and our project.
The Wall of Gazes
July 21st - October 26th, 2017
“Ars Electronica in Berlín” Exhibition, Volkswagen Group Forum. Berlin, Germany.
Taste of Music
June 2017
Poster at Conference Neuromusic VI (Boston, US)
Taste of Music
June 2017
Talk at Berkeley College of Music (Boston, US)
Visit to the Argentina Nanotechnology Foundation (FAN)
May 2017
The members of the Transorganic Exchanges project were in the campus of the University of San Martín getting to know the laboratories and equipment of the FAN. They worked on the planning of synergies between the institution and our project.
Round of Innovation and Technology
April 2017
The members of the Transorganic Exchanges project were in contact with various institutions and companies in round tables during a meeting organized by the Ministries of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Nation and Province of Buenos Aires, the City Hall and the Industrial Union of Tres de Febrero.
Crossmodal Correspondences
2016 and 2017
Maria Zegna and Bruno Mesz: Performance and workshop in the context of the cycle “Fronteras suspendidas”. MAR Museum, Mar del Plata.
“Reading Room”
Solo exhibition. Ruth Benzacar Gallery. June 24th to July 1st, Buenos Aires.
Workshop of recent mathematical and computational applications to music
With the support of Latin American Center for Interdisciplinary Training (CELFI), National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) and National University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
November 2016
Pablo Amster and Bruno Mesz coordinated a "Workshop on mathematical and computational applications to music" that featured prestigious speakers from the universities of Princeton, San Diego, Valencia and the Balseiro Institute, and more than 50 latin American scholars who presented their works in this area.
The workshop closed with an open concert, with works by the exhibitors and the scholars in the Caseros II Auditorium of the National University of Tres de Febrero.

Metabody International Forum in Buenos Aires and Montevideo
October 2016
Transorganic Exchanges carried out a series of collaborative works in the laboratory with the Spanish philosopher, artist and researcher Jaime del Val, representative of the Metabody project. They were part of the Metaterapias: expanded bodies, dynamic spaces and plural ecologies sessions and were translated into conferences, workshops and other activities open to the public on both banks of the Río de la Plata. The same ones that had the support of Spanish Cooperation, Spain Embassy, AECID and Untref.
During the realization of the forum, different applications of interactive environments and practical and theoretical proposals of Metabody were explored within adolescents with functional diversity learning contexts, proposing the use of movement, physical contact and dynamic environment as a transversal and inclusive language
Tango and mathematics, a concert for numbers, guitar and piano at Palacio Salvo (Montevideo)
October 2016

Transmodal Performance
September 2016
Conducted by the Eyes
June 24th - July 1st. 2016
“Reading Room” solo exhibition. Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Buenos Aires.
Read Unread
“Reading Room”solo exhibition. Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Buenos Aires.
Read Unread
July 2nd to 3rd. 2016
“Paraguay Feria de Arte impreso”. Ruth Benzacar Gallery. Big Sur, Editions and Gallery; La Ene, Nuevo Museo Energía Of Contemporary Art; and Tijuana Buenos Aires, Ruth Benzacar Gallery. Buenos Aires.
Taste of Music
May 2016
Talk on Taste and Music at the Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (París, France)
Taste of Music
May 2016
Performance “La nuit des sens croisés” at Reid Hall (Paris, France)
Presentation in Madrid
May 2016
The director of Transorganic Exchanges traveled to the Faculty of Philosophy of the Complutense University of Madrid. Representing Argentina and the MUNTREF Center for Art and Science, Gala González Barrios made a presentation on the project within the framework of the meeting Posthumanist Studies and Control Technologies, from Nietzsche to Trans-Post- and Metahumanism.
Delectro Cycle
April 2016
Transorganic Exchanges carried out an installation in the Delectro Cycle at Casa Tenemos Arte. The launch of the 3D controller was anticipated there, with a performance which was open to the intuitive participation of the public.
Presentation at the CCK
December 2015
The participants of the Transorganic Exchanges project participated of a round table at the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK) together with other artists and scientists in the Ars Electronica Hybrid Cycle. They presented the theoretical and conceptual framework that identifies the project.
Ars Electrónica - Conference of Gerfried Stocker
November 2015
Interview with Marcos Trevisan
Marcos Trevisán investigates vocal production and its motor control. He is interested in understanding the physical mechanisms involved in the production of the voice, combining physiological data with mathematical modeling and numerical simulations. He is a CONICET researcher and professor at the University of Buenos Aires. He holds a degree and a PhD in Physics (UBA).
Interview with Daniel Alejandro Nadra
Daniel Alejandro Nadra is a researcher in the field of Synthetic Biology and is interested in art processes. He does his research at the Structural Biochemistry Lab of the Biologicical Chemistry department and is an associate Professor in the Physiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology (FCEyN-UBA) department. He is a researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET).
Presentation in Santiago de Chile
November 2015
Gala González Barrios exposed the bases of the project Transorganic Exchanges in the symposium ¿Decolonizing bodies? Common body and plural technologies: Creation and transdisciplinary transcultural criticism in the neocolonial era, held in the Cultural Center of Spain, in the city of Santiago de Chile.
Emocional dinner by Janice Wang, Bruno Mesz and María Ceña
September 2015

Read Unread
September 2015
“read un-read”, books. Tijuana Project Exhibition. Vermelho Gallery Sao Paulo - Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Buenos Aires.
Multisensory performance (MoS) at the Performance Biennial 2015
May 2015
Taste of Music
May 2015
Performance MoS at Casa del Bicentenario (Buenos Aires)
The following Final Degree Project was carried out in the framework of the project "Burning by Gazes"
“Desarrollo De Mecanismo Controlado A Partir De Movimientos Oculares En Lectura Natural” - Gonzalo Ilutovich
Morphology of gazes
October 2014
“Morfologies of Gazes: a Dialogue Among Art and Neuroscience” lecture. Технополис «Москва». Open Innovation Forum Moscow 2014, Moscow, Russia.
The Wall of Gazes
October 14th - 16th, 2014
“Cтена Взглядоb” - “The Wall of Gazes” – installation. “Цифровые Cны” - Digital Dreams - exhibition. Технополис «Москва». Open Innovation Forum Moscow 2014. Curated by: Olga Shishko, Elena Rumyantseva and Boris Debackere. Moscow, Russia.
Morphology of gazes
October 2014
“Morfologies of Gazes: a Dialogue Among Art and Neuroscience” lecture. Манеж, Центр культуры и искусства «Медиа Арт Лаб» - Manege, “Media Art Lab” Art and Culture Center, Moscow, Russia.
Morphology of gazes
October 2014
“Morfologies of Gazes” staging. Tedx Río de la Plata 2014. Museum of the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires.
TEDx Río de la Plata
October 2014
TEDx talks were held at Tecnópolis and Mariano Sardón, in the framework of TEDx Experiments, related briefly one of the experiments that takes place at the MUNTREF Art and Science Center, inviting the audience to perform it afterwards.
Simultáneamente en el espacio, en otro experimento en el marco de la misma investigación, se fotografió a parejas e invitadas a responder determinadas preguntas.
Morphology of gazes
Septembre 20th - 29th. 2013
“Transitio MX 05 Biomediaciones” Festival. Centro Nacional de las Artes, México City.
Morphology of gazes
September 5th - 9th. 2013
“The Table of Gazes”. “Total Recall, The Evolution of Memory” Exhibition, Ars Electronica 2013. Linz, Austria.
Morphology of gazes
February 2013
PROA Fondation.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.