A project by: Hernan Kerñelevich (UNQ - UNTREF) and Bruno Mesz (musician – mathematician , UNTREF - Science and Technology Dept.) 

External Collaborators: Pablo Amster (Mathematics Dept. FCEN - UBA / IMAS CONICET), Lucas Samaruga (UNQ), Juan Pablo Pinasco (Mathematics Dept. FCEN - UBA / IMAS CONICET), Pablo Hernán Rodríguez Zivic (Computing Dept. FCEN -UBA), and Rodrigo Valla (UNQ)

Past Research Students: Fabián Kobelinsky (UNTREF), Sebastian Pasquini (UNTREF), Augusto Paladino (UNTREF) and Juan Pérgola (UNTREF).


The emergence of new genres in popular music in the late nineteenth century, as jazz in the United States or tango in the Rio de la Plata, was produced by a hybridization process of music from different cultures that possessed similar characteristics facilitating the mixture of styles. In this project we propose a mathematical model that simulates the emergence of musical genres into a multi-agent system (“Musicians”) that influence each other.  We investigate its application to tango history and composition.