Nicolás Gorla

Student of the Degree in Electronic Arts at the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF). He is in the process of completing an intermediate title of  Soundvisual Director in Music and Electronic Sound. With a primary interest in computer systems, as a medium and as a physical object, right now he explores, applies and combines various techniques of programming on different systems in relation to computational thinking, through physical computing.

Since 2016 he is a scholar at MUNTREF Art and Science Center where he performs research tasks within the project "Smell organ". Within the framework of Tecnópolis he has given a lecture about the processes of experimentation and the relevance of the field, and the variables involved according to the results that are expected to be obtained. He has also collected data empirically conducting experiments of association between music and aromas to different pianists, which were asked to improvise in real time and simultaneously perceive different olfactory stimuli.